Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is it REALLY almost August???

Where, oh where, has the summer gone?? Every year it seems to fly by faster. Could it be because my kids keep me running? Or perhaps it's me running from volleyball to softball to bonfire to yet another party. Ah, I love summer.

Suddenly, my calendar is telling me that tomorrow is August. Ugh! That means I have to start thinking about school shopping for the kids, helping ChildA get her college aps done. Tennis starts for A next week, ChildB starts volleyball the week after, and I'm sure FurBabyC will be happy to have his all day nap times back. I hate going back to schedules.

Although it will be 90* for the next week or so, I have to start thinking about fall candles. Oddly enough, I'm very ready. I love seeing all those bright summer wedding candles flowing out the workshop door with their shades of fuchsia, orange, lime and lavender but I'm honestly ready for some deep autumnal hues. Already I'm seeing deeper shades of purples and sage/olive greens.

Beyond weddings, I have some exciting new ideas for the upcoming months . . . but you'll have to wait until summer is done. I'm trying to eke out as much sun-loving fun as I can, which means I'm in the workshop as little as possible. Stay tuned to learn more about the stock candles I plan to add to my website, along with an interesting (and fun!) collection. Ladies, you don't want to miss this one!!

For now, I'm off to take B to volleyball camp, play in my garden for the afternoon, then watch my Friend Doug and his band The Music Venders play at Music In The Park tonight. Bring on the beer and wine!!!

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